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BARFOOT Simon Will you please forgive me for all I've said and done this is your mother asking the forgiveness of her son you may not understand this but I've done all that I know to tell the truth and that I love you to release you from this hell there's no way we can change all that has happened but we can at least forgive each other to begin again for this will fan the fires of reconciliation to bring healing to the family so just call or write a letter to cancel out a bad memory with the promise of a future where we'll have a brand new start knowing all has been forgiven to bring peace into each heart so stop for just a moment and think what have you to lose for life's too short just do it it's your call - you choose
Viewed by: 138 visitors. Uploaded: 12 years ago
Published in: Western Gazette.
Published from: March 01, 2012.
Region: South West
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